Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Turn It Off

It feels like its been awhile since I've sent my thoughts floating on the blogging breeze. Probably because I read a very good article this last month called, "Your Children Want You!" view it here, http://powerofmoms.com/2012/04/your-children-want-you/

"Inspired", and "Challenged" are inadequate to describe the feelings I had after reading this.

It hasn't been that long since my life was "bombarded" by the world of IPhone, and access to anything, anytime, and anywhere. Then came along Facebook, and Pinterest, and of course Blogging.

As if we don't compare ourselves enough, we also have these mediums that help us do it even more. Instead of focusing on what's really important, I stress out all day long that my house doesn't look like Pinterest, or the fact that I don't make my children's snacks look like a cartoon character. Silly, right?

While I do really enjoy Pinterest, and do really enjoy keeping up with friends on Facebook, I've found that it pulls me away from my reality. The reality that my children could care less that our house is perfect, or looks like a magazine. And though I'm sure they would find it delightful to have fun snack, they are just happy to be fed. They just want me. They don't care about all my home decorating aspirations. They just want me to play with them.

In the end, when my children are grown, I hope they look back and see a Mom who was really there. Not a Mom who was glued to her computer or phone all day, trying to keep up with the "Jones'es."
So, I'm challenged to "Turn It Off" and live life, real life. Challenged to stop comparing myself, my home, my life, and my kids snacks and just be me. My kids are worth it. And so are yours.